What Is Price Of Hair Transplants Per Hair

For a hair transplant, the rates applied vary according to the practitioner, the country and the chosen method.

Rates Proposed By Practitioners:
Depending on the country where they work, the rates applied by surgeons specializing in hair transplantation vary. For example, in Pakistan, the rates are between the average being closer to € 3,500. In Pakistan, prices generally range from 10 /20 /30 RS per hair. 

The fees of practitioners are much lower in since they are of the order. Conversely, the highest prices are recorded in where practitioners offer their intervention for a little more than. Others charge less. These rates are provided for information only, and only a consultation with the practitioner will allow to establish a more precise estimate. 

Rates Related To The Technique Used:
A first paid consultation is necessary for the practitioner to evaluate the degree and extent of baldness. The duration of the operation and the number of grafts required will affect the cost of the intervention, without forgetting the recommended technique.

The technique of the strip the most common currently is charged according to the number of grafts to be taken FUE Transplant Cost In Pakistan. This technique operates in four stages. The first is to take the strip, that is to say to cut a fragment of scalp at the crown. The strip is then divided into several grafts before being replanted on the previously prepared recipient area. 

If the technique chosen is that of the mini-punch, the intervention will cost between. It can be likened to the strip method, with the difference that the cylindrical sample of about two millimeters will be made using a punch. Each sample is then dissected to obtain 5 to 8 strands of hair that will be grafted onto the bald area. 

The technique follicular unit extraction, more commonly known as fue , is charged between 10rs per graft. This rate is often decreasing depending on the number of plugins. The practitioner can for example charge 5000rs for 500 micro-grafts. This method involves taking micro-grafts directly from the back of hair skill. Samples are much finer than a mini-punch, and this method is recommended if baldness is not yet advanced.

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