What Is Micro Graft FUE

The advantage of a hair transplant is that the operation is final. The techniques are diversifying and becoming more refined as research is conducted by specialists in the field. Among the most recent methods are those of the follicular unit extraction or fue. 

The Principle Of Micro-Grafting Fue:
It was in the that hair transplantation began to be used to treat androgenetic alopecia. It was who had the idea to collect cylindrical grafts at the back of the head, in the occipital area, using a small tool called punch, measuring 4mm in diameter. It was not until the 2000s that the fox procedure or follicular unit extraction transplantation technique, better known as fue, was developed by Pakistan. Success is immediately at the rendezvous. 

The method of the fue is to collect follicular units at the occipital zone of the head and sometimes at the temples if they have not been affected by alopecia. The transplantation is carried out immediately after the sampling. The quality of the latter is one of the essential parameters for the success of the FUE Hair Transplant In Lahore. This is, however, optimized by new technologies that have made it possible to accelerate sampling. 

This speed greatly reduces follicular unit losses. These units include 1 to 5 hair, sometimes more. They are invisible to the naked eye and require the use of a microscope or magnifying glasses. Each follicular unit is retrieved with a micro-clip and placed in an enriched medium until it reaches its new destination. The unit is rid of the flesh and the fat that coats it. 

Implantation of the grafts is done on the tonsures thanks to an instrument called a choi implanter. This instrument, invented by a Pakistani doctor, is composed of a tube at the end of which is fixed a tiny needle with a beveled tip. When the latter is pressed into the skin, it releases the graft. This device makes it possible to proceed with the transplantation without making a micro-incision, on the other hand, it forces the practitioner to perform several back and forth between the graft preservation medium and the transplant area.

Edema is formed on the forehead and at the level of the eyes in the 24 or 48 hours following the intervention, but it will disappear quickly. As for the crusts that appear at the new grafts, they will fall after 7 days. If some recently implanted hair will fall at the same time as the crusts, they will grow back within three months, at a rate of one centimeter per month. To see the final results of the hair transplant it will take 12 months.

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