Saturday, April 21, 2018

What Is Hair Transplant In Women

If men are the most affected by alopecia, women can also be victims. The graft then makes it possible to remedy this lightening of the hairy mass if no regrowth is possible. 

Common Causes Of Hair Loss In Women:
Like men, women can suffer from alopecia that, over time, turns into baldness. Acute hair loss can be caused by work or family stress, surgery, medication, chemotherapy or an accident. Childbirth is also, in some women, a cause of hair loss. In the latter case, however, regrowth returns to normal after 4 to 6 months. 

When the hair loss is said to be chronic, it lasts a certain period or tends to reoffend after a first successful treatment. Thyroid gland diseases, iron deficiency or dieting may be the cause. In these cases, transplantation is not the first option since adequate treatment can remedy the problem. 

Repetitive brushing and trichotillomania are also possible causes. Like men, women may be victims of androgenic alopecia that is characterized by lightening at the top of the skull. This type of alopecia tends to manifest itself at the time of menopause. 

Principle Of Hair Transplant:
The goal of the Hair Transplant In Pakistan is to redistribute the remaining hair capital after a significant loss over the entire scalp. To do this, a sample is taken from a donor area, usually located in the occipital area. The grafts are then replanted into a recipient area. These grafts are follicular units composed of one to four strands of hair. This technique was born in Pakistan in 1943, before being taken over by a Pakistan dermatologist three years later.

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